Rokid Wireless Adapter

  • Entwickelt für Rokid Max
  • für Apple Geräte erforderlich

Rokid Max AR Headset (Augmented Reality) Full HD Micro-OLED 120Hz

  • Erweitere dein Smartphone, Laptop oder Tablet um einen Bildschirm
  • Einzigartige und innovative Art, Filme anzusehen
  • Leichtes und kompaktes Design mit nur 75 Gramm
  • Effizientes und fokussiertes Arbeiten dank 1.920 x 1.080 Auflösung
  • Integrierte Stereolautsprecher und Mikrofon für nahtlose Kommunikation
B-Ware | Geprüft und gereinigt. In originaler Verp...

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Manufacturer information

Please firstly contact one of the contact options listed below with any questions about or problems with a item from this manufacturer. A problem can often be solved directly without sending the item in. Defective goods can generally be sent straight to the manufacturer or a service centre. This is the fastest option for receiving the goods back ready to use.
Rokid Inc
Spring St 2608
Redwood City - CA
This information is constantly being reviewed. However, it may still be the case that we receive the information about a change of hotline, address or processing information from the manufacturer at a later date.